SHOTERIA. Fantastic
Șelari st. no.3 Bucharest
+ status: built
+ Going through a series of functional changes the project became in a very short amount of time an exploration of the imagination, cosmic space, and the fantastic realms.
Based on the contrast of completely black space (with a few gray-toned accents) and colorful decorative elements, the difference between straight lines and cold materials but also organic forms, the space is organized around the bar – the place where the magic potions are concocted.
Shoteria, the Fantastical Station is a journey through the imagination, spiced up with decorative elements specific to the brand, such as neon texts, metal works, and word collages.
+ concept, interior design, technical design, design development, 3D studies, furniture & lighting systems concept, construction site followup & implementation, acquisitions, contact with suppliers, window display, decorative elements set-up
+ collaborations: Furniture: Vertigo Metal Design // Decorative elements: Simona Botoș – neon lights // XSS Graphics – light fixture furniture // FabLab – over-bar plexiglass piece // Anca Necsoi – bathroom constellation murals // Visual identity: Victor Bartiș
+ foto: Cristian Vasile